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  1. Thanks πŸ‘ Its an honour to help, we will keep the old girl going for many more years yet. πŸ˜€
    3 points
  2. Brilliant version of Hallelujah by the pentatonics. They do loads more,such as Bohemium rapsody No instuments,just voice.
    2 points
  3. ATTENTION 🚫 *If I get vaccinated*:/ Treatment 1.- Can I stop wearing the mask? - No 2.- Can they reopen restaurants etc and everyone work normally? - No 3.- Will I be resistant to covid? - *May be*, but we don't know exactly, it probably won't stop you getting it 4.- At least I won't be contagious to others anymore? - *No you can still pass it on*, possibly, nobody knows. 5.- If we vaccinate all children, will school resume normally? - No 6.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing? - No 7.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands? - No 8.- If I vaccinate myself and my grand parents , can we hug each other/say goodbye before they die. - No 9.- Will cinemas, theatres and stadiums be reopened as normal, after vaccines? - No 10.- Will the vaccinated be able to gather the community closer? - No 11.- What is the real benefit of vaccination? - *The virus may not kill you*. 12.- Are you sure it won't kill me? - No 13.- If statistically the virus didn't kill me anyway ... Why would I get vaccinated?" - To protect others. 14.- So if I get vaccinated, the others are 100% sure I'm not infecting them? - No 15.- is there liability if I get seriously injured or die? -NO πŸ’₯ So it is true that the shot does not give immunity. Does not eliminate the virus. Does not prevent death. Does not guarantee you won’t get it. Does not prevent you from getting Covid.. Does not stop you passing it on Does not eliminate the need for travel bans. Does not eliminate the need for business closures. Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns. Does not eliminate the need for masking. So...Why the hell am I getting vaccinated.... To keep running the pharmaceutical BUSINESS? to help bring in the "Great reset". Something more nefarious? πŸ€” End the lockdowns and restrictions NOW 🚫🚫🚫
    2 points
  4. Made me laugh...To think i voted for this stooge?
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Best song,artist ever. Brilliant!!
    2 points
  7. Wow was a good advisor on many things years ago R.I.P.
    2 points
  8. Goodbye old friend. Gone but never forgotten.
    2 points
  9. Spoke to Bod today for the first time in years, stil his old self, he's married now, but to be honest i had not heard from him in so long i didn't even know if he was alive or not, it's good to know he's doing ok All1
    2 points
  10. Thanks Gazza and great to see it continuing. Jamerspad will outlive facebook.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. I have upgraded the forum today to the very latest version.
    2 points
  13. Nice one James, you have the heart of a lion to keep the site going. I have been here from the start and am just as guilty as all the other members by not posting as much as I should even have Jamers is set as my home page Regards mate
    2 points
  14. 1 point
  15. Okay I'll have a look but think I'lll end up with a second line on 02
    1 point
  16. Apologies Lebara runs on Vodafone network, most of the info is on their website. Check the coverage for your area though. We get poor signal in our area on most networks, we choose this one as was the best one for us, is also got WiFI Calling (VoLTE) that works very well using your own home wifi. They are cheap, not had any issues so far but with the short contracts you can at least test and then leave it its no good for you. https://mobile.lebara.com/gb/en/rates Service and network coverage can be checked here https://mobile.lebara.com/gb/en/network-coverage
    1 point
  17. I heard just now that an English pub has just intrduced a new beer at 3.9% which compared to the beers of old is rather weak but appropriate name. "Harry' Bitter"
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
    1 point
  20. Happy new year everyone πŸ˜€
    1 point
  21. A Newfoundland farmer named Angus had a car accident. He was hit by a truck owned by the Eversweet Company. In court, the Eversweet Company's hot-shot solicitor was questioning Angus. 'Didn't you say to the RCMP at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine I'm fine?' asked the solicitor. Angus responded: 'Well, I'll tell you what happened. I'd just loaded my fav'rit cow, Bessie, into da... ' 'I didn't ask for any details', the solicitor interrupted. 'Just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?' Angus said, 'Well, I'd just got Bessie into da trailer and I was drivin' down da road.... ' The solicitor interrupted again and said ,'Your Honour, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the police on the scene that he was fine. Now several weeks after the accident, he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question. ' By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Angus' answer and said to the solicitor: 'I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favourite cow, Bessie'. Angus thanked the Judge and proceeded. 'Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my fav'rit cow, into de trailer and was drivin' her down de road when this huge Eversweet truck and trailer came tundering tru a stop sign and hit me trailer right in da side. I was trown into one ditch and Bessie was trown into da udder. By Jaysus I was hurt, very bad like, and didn't want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moanin' and groanin'. I knew she was in terrible pain just by her groans. Shortly after da accident, a policeman on a motorbike turned up. He could hear Bessie moanin' and groanin' too, so he went over to her. After he looked at her, and saw her condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Den da policeman came across de road, gun still in hand, looked at me, and said, 'How are you feelin'?' 'Now wot da fock would you say?
    1 point
  22. It's OK for someone like Dave to say he is not getting one of the vaccinations But they are already putting it into work contracts. if your already working you are OK but if you are going for a new job that involves you being in contact with workers or the public they can put that you have to have the vaccination. No vaccination = No Job We will end up having health passports (I'm going to call it a green card) you go to the Cinema no green card no movie / You make a reservation for a restaurant no green card that reservation becomes a takeaway you go to get on the Train no green card no journey. And they will word it so that any reservation fees or tickets already sold will be non-refundable for not having a green card as the responsibility for this will be on YOU.
    1 point
  23. I have this evening upgraded to the latest version 4.5.4, you may see a few additional features..
    1 point
  24. I have started the forum upgrade process, so you may see some odd colouring etc in the themes but we should be all good within a few days.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. OMG I am so sorry to hear this news RIP AllOne
    1 point
  27. RIP dude, not spoken in a few years. Missed but not forgotten
    1 point
  28. Really sorry to hear this but we know from the above its what Alloneword wanted. We all hope he is at peace now. Thank you Sterling for coming on and letting us all know. As you said it was a request from him to let us know which goes to show the always thinking of others attitude he has always done in the past - always friendly and helpful to all. Derren
    1 point
  29. I can only hope that he is at peace now. He is already missed by all of us here! R.I.P.
    1 point
  30. This is awful, so very sad. sleep well old friend RIP
    1 point
  31. I would personally like to say a massive THANK YOU to Gazza!! Not only has Gazza provided JamersPad with hosting he has even done all the hard work for me, like backing up the database then transferring everything across to his server. I am more than grateful. During this process we have had no disruption to our forums at all. I have also now made Gazza admin along with myself as this makes sense. Once again Thanks Gazza you are a top man!! JamersPad continues with his generous help and hosting!
    1 point
  32. Looks cool Jamer i have emailed them and hopefully get a reply soon, will let you know what goes one All1
    1 point
  33. Yes, many thanks from this side of the pond!
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Watch and listen Allone - It is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward
    1 point
  37. Hey listen my friend, please don't do this, I appreciate that everything seems to be against you right now but believe me life is too previous!! We are only on this planet for a very short time in reality. You are loved and you have friends who will continue to support you. I could go into a lot of detail but believe me when I see you are not alone in your despair. When I went through my divorce I was at my lowest but I concentrated on our kids and their wellbeing and focused on them instead of my own issues. I recently lost my nephew through suicide and to see it is has a massive impact on our family would be an understatement, this is the first Christmas without him. Everyday there will be a reason to end it all but everyday there is a bigger reason to stay alive! We are with you, stay strong and get through this tough time. You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for and this is the last thing your wife would want if she was still here and you know it! Tomorrow is just another day my friend and there will be better and brighter days ahead, trust me,
    1 point
  38. Please DON'T DO IT Al1 So sorry to hear about the loss of your wife, and all the really shit things that happened to you both. I can understand how events have driven you to the depths of despair, but there has to be a better solution other than ending it all. I'm at a loss as to what to type. I've never met you but have had you help me out many times and for that I'm truly grateful. I'm getting emotional typing this and all I can do is reiterate. Please DON'T DO IT Al1
    1 point
  39. Jamerspad has been amazing and what an adventure. Met new friends here, learned so much and managed to save quite a lot on movies and software with recommendations of where to get things cheaper ? Like you Jamer I have also run sites that now are not visited and have closed them. Its such a shame however facebook still has a legacy of Jamerspad and it hopefully can go someway to fill this huge void. Jamer - also thanks for your hard work over the years and all the mods etc
    1 point
  40. Sad news indeed. Always been my first stop when I turn my computer on. Any way to fund it from ads?
    1 point
  41. I originally set up JamersPad back in 1997, during this time we have seen many changes to the forum, I have tried to keep up with the latest software and I think we have managed it all okay. Where has this 20 years gone? Thank you to all our members who have remained loyal. We have seen many website come and go and we are still here. We are a little quieter these days but we still have many members, keep them topics coming! Happy birthday JamersPad Thank you Jamer
    1 point
  42. All the latest features can be found here, lots of new things much faster too.
    1 point
  43. I would like to wish all the members at JamersPad Merry Christmas
    1 point
  44. Right now........... it's bloody raining
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Happy birthday to Jamerspad, good to see a lot of original members still here after so many years, keep up the good work.
    1 point
  47. If i remember right it was linked very closely to another site that is no longer around and i found Jamers via that other website and as they say the rest is history. All1
    1 point
  48. Same as jasram. Not been here for a while but wanted to wish everyone happy 20th Birthday
    1 point
  49. Hi Bazz, Welcome back. Recently a lot of the "old timers" have been showing up. It is kind of like people retiring and returning to their old home town. Jamer has been upgrading the site and it is really coming along well. Don't go disappearing again for an extended period.
    1 point
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