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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. Gazza

    Merry Christmas

    Hope you all had a good Christmas, Happy new 2025 to you all ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  2. Happy new year ๐Ÿ˜€
  3. Hopes your all having a good Christmas, mine has been very quiet this year.
  4. Apologies Lebara runs on Vodafone network, most of the info is on their website. Check the coverage for your area though. We get poor signal in our area on most networks, we choose this one as was the best one for us, is also got WiFI Calling (VoLTE) that works very well using your own home wifi. They are cheap, not had any issues so far but with the short contracts you can at least test and then leave it its no good for you. https://mobile.lebara.com/gb/en/rates Service and network coverage can be checked here https://mobile.lebara.com/gb/en/network-coverage
  5. i use Lebra which is on the EE network, plans include international minutes. looks like you get a good deal on O2 though mobile.lebara.com/gb/en/
  6. Wishing you all a happy new year, all the best for 2023
  7. Merry Christmas, hope you all had a great day. enjoy the rest of your Christmas
  8. Time passes by so quickly, Must admit i enjoyed the banter between you two. Still sadly missed RIP All1
  9. Gazza


    Lost for words. Really sad to hear of this news, Dave will be really missed around here. As with a lot of forums you never get to meet members in person but feel you know them and regard them as friends. Thank you for letting us know of Dave's passing and my sincere condolences to Dave's wife and family and friends. RIP
  10. i must admit that's what i would have done. When we was down Dorset, we had t go through this bridge and a couple of bollards on the entry and our wing mirrors where nearly touching each side. Although that was a bridge and could not be made wider.
  11. seen this on ticktock, even the old bill get caught out on this on ๐Ÿ˜ There's metal pillars each side and a normal width car can hardly get through.
  12. Gazza

    Dirty scum

    bet there local, dirty sods. You front garden open with no gate then i presume, still no excuse though. I have a dog but always carry poo bags to pick up after my dog.
  13. Happy new year everyone ๐Ÿ˜€
  14. Merry Christmas to you all, hope you all have an enjoyable Christmas
  15. We were having my brother-in-law and family round for Xmas day but his son has just tested positive for covid, obviously their not coming now ๐Ÿ˜’ Still got my father-in-law and my son coming, 3 years running we have had a crappy Christmas but will make the best of it. We will have a virtual Christmas instead. I did suggest to my wife to go away some where this year but she wanted all the family round, not to worry. Boxing day is just the two of us again, will probably pack a bag and go book in some where for a change of scenery ๐Ÿ˜€
  16. Had my booster last week, made me ill again for a couple of days. My daughters Anti-Vax and has not had any of the vaccines, my other sons have had the jab though.
  17. Gazza


    Yes really sad and still missed around hear, real shame ๐Ÿคจ
  18. you are having a run of bad luck, thinks can only get better...........hopefully thats the last of it. ๐Ÿคจ
  19. Yes i am quite good at forgetting to put that one in the package
  20. my last router was TP-link router Archer and was great on the wifi coverage, i now have a gaming router but that's expensive, only got as my son was mad on gaming and sorted a lot of issues. not sure what to recommend, you need one to go with your connection, gigabit ports, Dual band wifi speeds and make sure its got a good cpu to keep up with all your devices and connections. Always best to compare and review routers for the best combination of features
  21. There are so many bikes on the road at the moment, there's a few who think they own the road. While driving in the country i came across, a group of cyclists who where cycling 3 a breast, usually two side by side is bad enough to get past but 3 is taking it to far. The recent complains about the electric scooters, have you seen how fast some of the battery powered bikes go ๐Ÿคฅ
  22. Don't think any one can take Boris serious, with all his clowning around ๐Ÿ˜€. Having more luck with the Olympics, the 13 year old skateboarder done well
  23. Sadly missed, i still miss his banter, especially his playful comment towards Sir Zorro ๐Ÿ˜€ RIP Alloneword a year gone past already, it is true the older you get the faster time goes by. enjoy it while you can.
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