Ok members this idea has been mulling around in my head for over a week and I need to act on it.
This post;
really got me thinking.
I've never met djweeble but he's always offered advice, links to stuff, been an active member etc and I want to do something to make his daughters life easier.
I'm proposing that we, the pad members, get some karma in our lives. It's time to 'pay it forward'.
We are going to raise some money and send it to djweeble. The only proviso is that he has to spend it on something he feels will benefit Kirsten. A day out, an ipod, whatever... it's his choice.
Members - you have a year. I'm aiming to send djweeble a cheque next December, 2012. It doesn't matter if that cheque is for £10 or £1000. Whatever we raise we're paying it forward. Good stuff will come back to you one day.
So take some time to think about what you could do... a sponsored event, sell something, maybe you could persuade another forum your on to join in, anything to raise a few pennies. It will all add up.
Come on folks - this is what the pad is all about - our community.
Djweeble, you have a good Christmas with the family. We'll do our part over the next year.
Step up to the breach folks, stand up, be counted - PAY IT FORWARD.