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Mr Dead

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Everything posted by Mr Dead

  1. poor little lass this world is not fair people in this world die who should live for years then you get others who should crawl into a corner and die but don't their is no justice in this world
  2. It might be a idea for you to add to your info page some kind of legal statement claiming anyone uploading pictures should make sure they have full permission of all involved in the picture and that you are not responsible for any pictures uploaded other than the ones you yourself have uploaded. Covers your back then just in case m8.
  3. Mr Dead


    Blimey m8 unbelievable that we are paying a weapons dealer a a fortune to gather information about in order to use it to then spy on us.
  4. Thanks folks for your feedback i did as you mentioned write this out of frustration and anger as you can guess i'm well PO as i mentioned in my post the letter of employment as far as i know was signed by director of the company but i didn't realise i hadn't made it clear that Mr Andrews actually signed it not a director as i thought. Any ways i have now discovered that he has been sacked from the company and from what i have learnt he is now under a doctor for what i have been told is self-destructive disorder. I have got back on the dole BTW i went in last week and was lucky to get straight back on the register. I'm not sure weather or not to take any further action against Mr Andrews as i don't think I'll get any where.
  5. October 2010 I was approached by Mr Andrews who told me about some jobs working at Access BDD where he worked as a CAD operative he sent me application forms via email which I in turn printed out and returned to him to submit for me as he requested. 9th December 2010 I received a letter from Mr Andrews informing me I had a interview for stores supervisor vacancy my interview was to be held 17th December I was so excited as I had been out of work since losing my job in April 2010. I prepared myself for the interview learning everything i could about the company and brushing up on Microsoft excel which he had told me I would be using in the stores. 16th December I was given a letter once again by Mr Andrews informing me the interview for the following day had been postponed due to weather conditions and as it had been snowing hard for few days I took his word for it the letter informed me the interview was postponed until 7th January 2011 both letters where as far as I was aware from the company and signed. Mr Andrews informed me the job had come about because the company which was responsible for the storage and dispatch of the stairlifts which the company made were to be sacked due to losing thousands of pounds worth of product due to bad management and shipping and Access had decided to handle it all themselves bringing it all to the warehouse they had purchased next door to their current building and this is where I would be working. The interview date approached and once again I prepared myself for the interview, Once again couple of days prior to the interview which was on 7th January Mr Andrews approached me this time saying all hell had broke lose at work one of the managers had been discovered taking back hander from the company who was responsible for the storage and distribution he had apparently been getting paid to keep it quiet about them losing all the stuff they had apparently lost and because of this my interview was once again cancelled but this time no alternative was given he said they where going to investigate the whole thing. As can be expected I was not happy but Mr Andrews once again assured me that the interview was purely a formality anyways as I was the only applicant as the company wanted to save time and money and as he was recommending me to them for the job the job was pretty much mine. I waited to hear once again as to when interview was going to be but Mr Andrews kept saying due to the manager being investigated their was a delay. Eventually Mr Andrews told me the news I wanted to hear things where back in motion in fact due to the delays and the company being desperate now to start someone they had offered me the job without a interview but I would have to be on a couple of months probation he said. I was presented with a letter offering me employment 26th January this letter was signed by a director of the company Mr Andrews told me once again I did not suspect anything due to the convincing lies told to me by Mr Andrews the offer of employment was to commence work 2nd February 2011 I was over the moon. Mr Andrews approached me once again the night prior to my commencement date and told me their was a delay in my start date due to auditors from head office wanting to go threw the whole company and see what exactly had been going on what within the company while the now sacked manager was in charge as I say all seemed so plausible and I had no reason to not believe him. I explained to Mr Andrews I had signed off the dole he told me that’s fine he had been told that it’s the company delaying my start date so they would pay me from the 2nd as the offer of employment had said. Mr Andrews even told me to see about getting working tax credits which would see me over till pay day end of the month this I did and was relived as I was worried what I would do with out money till end of the month. The next week Mr Andrews gave me a new starter induction program the form stated all the people I would be meeting with the day I started which he said which was written on the form March 3rd. I must admit I was slightly concerned it was going to be so long till I started he said not to worry same thing had happened to him it was 6 weeks he said till he actually start after receiving offer of employment he got paid with no problems. I actually phoned the company and spoke to Mrs Emma Thornhill and explained the situation she said she would check with Mr Andrews and get back to me 10 minutes later Mr Andrews rang me back and told me due to her being part time after just coming back from maternity leave she was out of the loop and someone in head office was actually dealing with my employment once again I went along with it as I had no reason not to as Mr Andrews was a neighbour and I had known him at least 10 years. Later that week Mr Andrews presented me with 2 T-shirts with company logo and told me he had been given them to give to me for when I started. Pay day arrived but no money went into my bank account I contacted Mr Andrews and he looked into it then contacted me and told me it was a over sight the managing director was going to look into it it might take a few days to sort out as the MD was having to go to France on business trip and because of this unscheduled trip to France I was not’t to start till 7th March. I once again was slightly concerned so contacted Mrs Emma Thornhill again and was told she was unaware of the situation once again and would speak to Mr Andrews I told her about the letters but she said she wasn’t familiar with what was going on I was worried about this but within a few minutes of speaking to her Mr Andrews rang me and said she had spoke to him and as he explained before she was not aware of it because head office was dealing with my employment and once again I fell for it. The weekend came and Mr Andrews told me I was to start the Tuesday because the MD wanted to go threw some paper work with me when I started Monday 7th March came I decided I was going to find out what was going on I rang up and requested to speak to the MD I told him everything that had happened and he then told me that their was no job as Mr Andrews had told me and that he new nothing about any of it I was devastated to discover it had all been lies everything he had told me over the last few months was lies the company dealing with storage and shipping was never under any investigation the manager Mr Andrews told me involved in back hander was fiction along with the letters I had been given by him, I can’t believe I fell for it all and feel such a fool but everything he told me was so convincing and every time I got worried he came up with the right answers.
  6. Mr Dead


    blimey m8 don't you start that's all my 14 year old has gone on about lately ever since someone mentioned to her about the Mayan prediction i'm telling her it's all rubbish here is you getting me worried :Laugh:
  7. That's very interesting m8 as a person who does have debt witch is now in the hands of collection agencies this is interesting to me.
  8. I noticed something like this on the news other week were the local council is putting up the rents on the allotments wasn't yours was it ?. http://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/8896135.Gardeners_hit_by_allotment_fee_increase/ The one above wasn't what was on the news other week but it looks like it's happening every where m8 so much for the big society
  9. Mr Dead


    Well mine has arrived today and i'm not impressed with it the stuff they want is crap i like the question 13, How is your health in general ? very good, good, fair, bad, very bad How on earth is that meant to help them help us in the future.
  10. I've heard his kids are worse than him honest the brats wurst :Laugh:
  11. Mr Dead


    5 hundred million quid they reckon it's costing this time for this crap to go ahead personally only info they will get from me is family info how many in house who they are and that's it. As for things like ethnicity and how many cupboards in my house they can whistle Save the millions save the jobs if you ask me.
  12. It would have to a ipod touch m8 everyone kid i know loves it the games the music wifi so internet the lot has to be the one if it's for a kid m8
  13. Alright Homer long time no see how you doing
  14. sorry m8 can't help you i'm not moving from my trusted old xp sp3 took me years to decide to leave win ME to xp if it ain't broke why fix it especially at our ages :Laugh:
  15. Went to turn my pc on yestaurday and all i got was green light nothing else, Opened it up played with wires and still nothing for F's sake i thought what a good start to the new year this will be but i remembered i have been keeping hold of a spare power supply for ages now. The amount of times i was gonna throw it away is to many to mention but thankfully i didn't. Any way installed it into pc and touch wood fingers crossed it's work great Hopefully this is a sign my luck for 2011 is gonna change :Laugh:
  16. not sure what has happened but my post posted 3 times LOL please delete
  17. some reason posted 3 times not sure why please delete.
  18. Thanks m8 and a happy and prosperous new year to you also. And to all other members i wish you all the luck in the world and hope 2011 is a happy one for all Except A1W obviously :Laugh: :He-he: :Winky:
  19. O bloody hell troubles back :He-he: :He-he: You have a good time m8 ??
  20. All the best to you too m8 and to all members of the pad I hope you all had a lovely day.
  21. Have a good one Sparks wish you and yours a happy christmas and a great new year.
  22. Blimey we have had it none stop since middle of last week and apparently more to come. We have to check school website every morning see if kids are at school or not, even when they are it's a short day so teachers can get home.
  23. Interview didn't happen today as expected bloody snow seen to that the bloke got stuck at home and couldn't get to work hopeing to hear something in the morning but not holding my breath as snow still coming down up here.
  24. @A1W sorry m8 the forklift has a limit to what it can lift i'm affraid. @Jamer cheers m8 appreciated. @Sparks certainly can m8 can you send size a dimensions of job i'll send estimate back. @DaveB for forks sake new someone would say it :Teeth: :Fun: cheers all interview tomorrow so i'm nervous as hell :Nervous:
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