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Posts posted by sparks


    And sparks,please give up on thiis continual c**p about those up top,this post is not what this is about,it is a totally seperate issue,Go open a post about it and see if anyone is really interested at this moment except you??




    Maybe if you addressed the problem instead of sticking your fingers in your ears whilst going 'la la la la'...


    still I can see your problem - you don't have a clue!

  2. Personally I can't give a stuff about 'international quotes'...What we need to look at is what is happening here and not go down the route that the 'hang 'em, flog 'em' brigade wants!


    Camoron has quite rightly said 'a part of our society is sick'...



    May I suggest he looks at the 650 odd in parliament first, then move on to the ruling elite/tax fraudsters/corrupt police etc...


    Then and only then should he have the right to criticise those on the streets!

  3. So do you think a couple of days ago they were thinking of helping themselves from Currys?


    It's opportunistic looting, nothing more nothing less...


    Compare that with those who have been systematically and calculatingly defrauding all of of us over a period of many many years!...and gotten away with it!


    So who do you think is more deserving of that 18 month sentence?


    This is quite interesting reading, even given the source!...


    Riots: Meet the accused - Lifeguard, postman, hairdresser, teacher, millionaire's daughter, chef and schoolboy, 11

  4. I see the prophet of doom is still telling us the world will end soon.

    And insulting anyone who disagrees.


    Recessions and boom times have come and gone forever - in fact it is impossible to have equilibrium, so we

    are always either going up or down.


    Most of us ride the roller coaster as it comes, some are always on the 'big one' with the tracks broken at the bottom.

    Long time no see Rother...been lurking around for a while have we?


    It's a pity you didn't take advantage of your 'down time' to work out what is inevitable instead of resorting to your usual uninformed rants ...


    BTW...Can I ask if you bought gold at $600 an ounce when you were warned what was going to happen.... :Winky:

  5. You should be ok with your wind up,one track one anyway,as long as someone continues to wind you up,and i think there is a queue for that job.

    Are you on medication yet?...


    If not you ought to be!


    This was a serious post until you blundered in...!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. A list of who is left that are ranked as AAA by all the major rating agencies ... the list is dwindling:









    ·Isle of Man



    ·New Zealand





    ·United kingdom


    Highlighted are the next most likely three countries to drop out of the club!


    It's only a matter of time...

  7. I wonder if the type of can makes a difference?


    So I reckon a good 'control group' should consist of at least a dozen different beer cans, consumed constructed at the same time to ensure identical climactic conditions....


    Yep, I reckon I could give it a go....All in the name of science you understand!





    This method has been proven to improve Wi-Fi reception from around 2 bars to about 4 on average


    If true, that's one hell of a range extension around here!

  8. What are you going to be looking at mainly ALL1?


    The reason I ask is that whatever TV you get, the sound will be crap! I personally think that if you have an AV amp and speakers, the picture 'seems' to be so much better if watching movies/sport/music programmes etc...


    So maybe consider a 32" which would then give you the budget for an amp?....And if you get full HDMI throughput/audio return/upscaling ,then a single HDMI lead up to the TV is probably all you'll need - avoiding all that cable clutter!


    Warranty wise, Richer Sounds are difficult to beat - although we got a 5 yr one thrown in for free at a local dealers after a bit of haggling!

  9. As a slight aside, when is an act of violence considered an act of terrorism? - or not?


    Gun massacres in the west are often termed as the actions of 'crazed individuals', and yet it seems that when it suits a political agenda it becomes a 'terrorist act'...


    Is it when someone professes to want to change something, or if they act out of ideology that it becomes something more than a simple criminal act?

  10. Isn't that the bit they don't want him to do?

    If they let him, he'll show himself up as a complete w*nker IMO...


    Just like Griffin and his bunch of idiots were shown to be when given a bit of airtime - so on second thoughts as regards my previous post, the BBC did do something right for the UK!


    Censor a nutter, and you get more nutters drawn to an imaginary flame!

  11. Justice needs to be seen to be done, not behind closed doors, very few reason to have a case behind closed doors IMO and this ain't one, bad news IMO




    Yep...as I said before, this is a wrong turn - Norway, ffs learn from what we have done wrong!

  12. As in my earlier scepticism over the initial speculation over blame, I reckon there is something more to this....


    When working out 'why', it's normally necessary to work out who will benefit !


    At the moment (based on the reporting), things don't quite add up so far IMO...

  13. DJ...


    The reason I asked about the gun laws in Norway is because of.... Link


    Breivik had talked admiringly online about conversations he had had with unnamed English Defence League members and the organisation Stop the Islamification of Europe (SIOE) over the success of provocative street actions leading to violence.


    "I have on some occasions had discussions with SIOE and EDL and recommended them to use certain strategies," he wrote two years ago. "The tactics of the EDL are now to 'lure' an overreaction from the Jihad Youth/Extreme-Marxists, something they have succeeded in doing several times already."


    If our nutters have access to weapons, then it is only a matter of time here....!

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