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Posts posted by sparks

  1. Treasury plans for Greece to go bust


    Treasury ministers have admitted that the Government is drawing up contingency plans for a Greek bankruptcy after being warned by a former foreign secretary that the euro “cannot last”...


    Jack Straw, the former Labour foreign secretary, said that a “quick” end to the single currency was now better than a “slow death”.


    In an emergency debate, senior MPs from all parties demanded that Britain stand aside from a new rescue package for Greece and push for the country to leave the euro.


    Mark Hoban, a Treasury minister, admitted that “many scenarios were being considered”. He said it would “not be appropriate” to discuss the detail, but added he would be “guilty of not stepping up to the responsibilities of his office” if plans had not been made to cope with a default.


    He said British banks had about £2.47billion in outstanding loans to Greek institutions and individuals.


    Last night, after leaving a meeting with eurozone ministers in Luxembourg, George Osborne, the Chancellor, insisted that he did not want to see Britain dragged into providing money for a second bail-out.


    The European Union and International Monetary Fund will send a team of specialists to Greece today to assess whether a new austerity plan involving tax increases, privatisations and spending cuts is sufficient.


    Finance ministers will meet again next month to finalise the bail-out but there are growing calls for Greece to be allowed to default on its debts and leave the euro if necessary. Yesterday in his Daily Telegraph column, Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, called for Greece to return to the drachma.


    Some experts have forecast that a default would trigger another global crisis as banks refused to lend money to weaker eurozone countries.


    So what has that got to do with us?....


    Well one of the measures is the same as that which was a few hours away from happening when Northern Rock went under - namely shutting down the entire monetary system....ATM's, card transactions, DD's and STO's etc...That may well be on the cards again!


    And given that we are more in debt than any eurozone country, it's quite possible that our loans will stop too...The only reason that we, like America, have been spared so far is that we are too big an economy to fail - if we go under then it will be a truly global collapse, and no-one will be able to stop it!


    So best to stuff a bit of money under the mattress, and get a stock of food in....


    The money won't last long given that hyper-inflation will set in, but a month's worth of food will keep you going while they try and get control. If it takes longer than a month, then we are going straight back to the dark ages!




    Have a nice day..... :Cool:

  2. Nope, not a misprint...


    Apparently new census goons have been going around doing a 'survey' of the census response.... Link


    The Census Coverage Survey (CCS) is an independent survey carried out six weeks after the census to help us check the results of the census and make sure our population estimates are as accurate as possible.....


    The households and people counted in the CCS are matched with those recorded in the census so that we can estimate the number and the characteristics of people who were not included on a census questionnaire.


    Which of course means they realise they have spent a fortune on collecting a load of b*llocks!


    This census census isn't even compulsory, although of course they don't always state that...


    Census bosses say sorry for "intimidating" letter


    CENSUS bosses have issued a grovelling apology to an Irvine pensioner after threatening to fine him for refusing to take part in a doorstep survey.


    Hugh Teyhan filled in his form and sent it away on time but a fortnight ago the 68-year-old was shocked when a Census Survey Co-ordinator turned up at his home in Bencleuch Place, Irvine, and demanded he take part in a Census Coverage Survey.


    The OAP told the woman that he did not need to take part and she left, but days later he receieved a letter claiming that he “had a legal obligation to do so and was liable for a £1000 fine for non-participation.”


    “The tone of this letter is threatening and intimidating and could easily cause distress to people,” said Hugh.


    So, there's another bunch of w*nkers that should be told to simply f*ck off!

  3. I thought this one looks better personally..



    It kind of reminds me of the revolution in (mainly sci-fi) movie filming in the late '70's - instead of moving the object around the camera, move the camera around the object...


    Only now, it's available on a budget!


    Still impressive!

  4. Well from my point of view i'll answer the door and be nice and tell them i sent it ages ago not my fault it got lost in the post, and if they push i'll just go down the line of "am i compelled to talk to you?", or am i breaking any laws if i shut the door in your face and then see what gives.





    If they want me to fill it in again then i will but my time don't come cheap :He-he:


    That's an easy trap to fall into All1


    They want you to engage in conversation, and simply claiming to have sent it will open yourself up to 'acknowledgement of contract'...that means you have allowed yourself to come under the juristriction of a statute, as opposed to common law (Postie had a bar code reader which tracked the forms to a particular postbox btw, so that will be their first question - where did you post it...), and you are then obliged to do it again under their terms.


    Better merely to say nothing, and hand them something like:


    Notice of Removal of Implied Right of Access




    To all that it concerns




    Notice of Removal of Implied Right of Access


    You are advised to read the following notice thoroughly and carefully. It is a lawful notice. It informs you. It means what it says.


    The Householder hereby gives notice that the implied right of access to the property known as ……………………………...

    …………………………………………………………. and surrounding areas, has been removed, along with all associated property including, but not limited to, any private conveyance in respect of the following:


    1. ANY employee, principal, agent, third party, trustee, representative or any other person acting on behalf of or under the instruction of any Employee, or Agent or Principal or any other PERSONS acting on behalf of the CORPORATE COURTS, LOCAL COUNCIL or PRIVATE CORPORATION, PUBLIC AGENCY, or GOVERNMENT AGENCY howsoever named.


    2. ANY POLICE OFFICER who is acting for the CORPORATE POLICE and NOT acting as a Constable for and on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her people as expressed in the Oath of Office of all POLICE men and women, that is as Public Servants, upon your Oath of Office to serve "with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property"






    Please also take notice that the land known as England is a Common Law jurisdiction and any transgression of this notice will be dealt with according to Common Law. Any and all access to the above mentioned properties shall be by strict invitation only and shall be subject to terms and conditions, available by written request.


    We do not have, and have never had, a contract. And any permission that you believe you may have from me is hereby withdrawn. If you believe that you have power of attorney to act on my behalf you are hereby fired, and any consent that you believe you may have, tacit or otherwise, is hereby withdrawn. If you feel so inclined as to enforce statutes as a consequence of this matter I will report your conduct to ALL relevant bodies and will pursue Proof of Claim in affidavit form, under your full commercial liability and under the penalty of perjury.


    You are deemed to have been served this notice with immediate effect.


    In sincerity and honour, without ill-will, frivolity, or vexation,


    The Householder


    Note that they will NOW have to agree to YOUR contract...(It works on other nosey types too.... :Winky:)


    Something like this might then do, if they pursue (which they probably won't) :


    Dear Sirs


    Thank-you for your request to enter The Householder’s property to catalogue his/her private and personal details. The Householder will be pleased to allow access at a stated date and time to be arranged, subject to the following criteria, and subsequent completion of the following disclosures.


    Disclosure 1 - Billing.*


    We ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………, agree to pay any appropriate costs to The Householder for the time he/she has to take off work to be available for interrogation. We agree that this will be invoiced at £100.00 pounds per hour, minimum billing ½ day at 4 hours.


    Signed _________________





    Disclosure 2 - Disclaimer


    We ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………, undertake not to hold responsible The Householder for any injury or death occurred to any employees of ………………………… ………………………………………. as a result of the presence of said employees on this property. Furthermore, we understand that due to the unknown nature of hazards on the property of The Householder we must attend a compulsory safety briefing, at a location of the householders choosing, before any site visit can occur. Safety briefings will last four hours, and will be invoiced at £100.00 pounds per hour, per person







    * All payments must be made 14 days in advance of any proposed visit as an anti-fraud measure.



    Disclosure 3 - Insurance


    Please find enclosed copies of our liability insurance cover. ……………………………………………………………….. undertakes unequivocally to pay for, any damage or injuries that occur to The Householder, or any person present with the Housholder’s consent (excluding the persons requesting this visit), on his/her property as a result of this visit.







    Disclosure 4 - Personal details


    All persons wishing to enter the property of The Householder must fill in the following details. There may or may not be children/vulnerable adults present at the property, and their safety and well being is of paramount concern. Only those who have filled in all of the following will be granted access to the property.



    First Name/s




    Home Address


    Telephone Number


    Mobile Telephone Number


    Email Address


    Any previous address in the past ten years


    Please list all employees’ places of work as part of your ten year checkable work history




    National Insurance Number


    Inside leg measurement #


    No of children


    Car make, model and registration number








    Please enclose copies of all qualifications back as far as GCSE/O-level.


    Please enclose copies of your passport and driving licence


    Please provide your Criminal Records Bureau Check form – the original, not a copy.


    Please enclose the names of two referees who meet current passport application requirements who are not employees of the state.





    # Required for installed biometric identification system



    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 30th of May is 'Tax freedom Day'


    That's how long it takes the average person to pay off their year's tax...


    I say 'average person', because apart from all the usual tax dodgers there are some other exemptions..


    Take for example those underpaid catalonians who strutted their stuff at wembley on saturday... Link


    The poor darlings only picked up £650k each (on average) for winning a trophy that they are already being handsomely paid for to compete in...


    The average tax take would therefore be approx £303k, and in total be £7.5m



    Still, I guess those earning more in a month than others get in a lifetime need it more ..... :Furious:

  6. They're counting on you..


    As a Non Compliance Officer (NCO) you will be paired with a Non Compliance Assistant (NCA) to investigate census refusals, this is where people have refused to complete their census form as required by law. You will be dealing with members of the public who may be resistant to your requests and you will need to be able to manage confrontational situations. The work involves knocking on doors, talking to householders and, if they persist in refusing to complete a census questionnaire, you will conduct a refusal process which will include formal "Interview Under Caution". The address locations may be widespread over a large geographical area and you will need to locate and travel to these, so you will be working outside and travelling for the majority of your day - moving between addresses with the possibility of having to climb stairs. You are normally required to carry out your duties between the hours of 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 4pm on Saturday. As you are working in a pair you will be required to agree your working pattern with your partner, a mobile phone will be provided for your use. There may be instances when you are asked to work outside of these hours.


    Anyone seen one yet?


    Apparently the ONS are going to be investigated by the information commisioner for....




    You've guessed it - refusing to supply information on how many 'non-compliance officers' there are... :Laugh:


    Rumours are that there are about 100, and given that there are 3.5 million outstanding forms, I guess the terms of employment won't quite cover the task...


    Dates of Employment: 26/04/2011 - 19/08/2011


    Especially when they are reminded that what they are doing is illegal under English common law.... :Winky:

  7. It would seem the http://www.heraldscotland.com/ has printed a photo of the scumbag with his eyes blacked out






    It would seem that the herald is 'currently unavailable'...let's hope it just a bandwidth issue!


    And I am amazed that no lawyer has exposed the fact that an injunction is not legal under common law...


    or maybe it's not in their interests to do so... :Winky:

  8. I presume it will become public sooner or later and i hope the asshole is made to look a fool, guy is a prize penis IMO


    And after all, if Fred the Shred/Bed couldn't keep it quiet who can?


    The joke about these 'super injunctions' is that they are often recinded if the information is put into the public domain...


    Hence why twitter is the current target!


    Keep it in your pants/keep your knickers on is the only solution.... :Laugh:

  9. Youths defiant at 'Spanish revolution' camp in Madrid


    Dubbed the "Spanish revolution", the protest began with a march through Madrid on Sunday, led by young Spaniards angry at mass unemployment, austerity measures and political corruption.


    It turned into a spontaneous sit-in on the square in Sol, which organisers say has now been mirrored in 57 other cities.


    Independent of any trade union or political party, the protesters' ranks have been swollen through campaigns on social networking sites and Twitter....



    "It's the young who are leading this," says Alfredo Guerra, admiringly, as he listens in on one assembly. A hotel worker, aged 56, he also lost his job in the recession.


    "Our life is practically over, but they are acting for their future. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose," he says.


    A core group of protesters have been camping out non-stop since Sunday. Others, who have to work or study, sign up for shifts to join them.


    A rough attempt by police to dislodge the apparently peaceful demonstration on Sunday night only brought more people out in support.


    In one corner, there is a queue to sign a petition that reads: "We want to demonstrate that society is not asleep, and we will fight for what we deserve. We want a society that prioritises people over economic interests."


    I wonder if our 'Youth' will do the same?


    Sadly I fear not, since they are cowered into submission by financial consequences and brutal policing!


    I guess that means it's those 'who have nothing to lose' that must make it happen here.... :Winky:

  10. Two states based on pre 1967 borders is as fair as it can get, given the history... Link


    He said what is right...


    But Israel thinks differently of course...



    "Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the na zis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we came here and stole their country. Why should they accept that?

    That bit of truth from David Ben Gurion


    "We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population."

    Menachim Begin


    "Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial."

    Ariel Sharon


    "Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population."

    Moshe Dayan


    Nice bunch, eh!


    So it'll either be a phone call to a certain banking 'family', or a mossad unit sent to sort out this 'upstart' president.. :Winky:

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