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Posts posted by sparks

  1. Amazing the number of accidents you've apparently been involved in/witnessed...maybe you ought to notify the emergency services every time you go out... :Winky:


    Care to put any facts to your argument?...or was it the 'australian' grays inn road?




    According to a report by Bristol City Council there was not a single accident or injury during the two week-long trials...


    The trial followed the successful switch-off of the much- criticised Cabstand lights in Portishead, North Somerset.

    So why aren't the lights being removed permanently?...Oh Yeah - the short term cost!


    The report says safety concerns could be addressed by installing shared space schemes, but these could cost up to £250,000 depending on the junction.



    "Traffic lights have been overused. The biggest lessons we need to take away is if proper design is used in the first place you don't need to install traffic lights."


    And there's so much more...


    You use your common sense rather than rely on lights.


    The trial switch-off of traffic signals at two junctions in the London Borough of Ealing has increased junction throughput, cut congestion and reduced pedestrian wait times, a review of the work has found.


    And here's one for the future...



    The IOC said it had the backing of Boris Johnson to turn off the lights, which could be decommissioned permanently as a legacy of the Games.


    The list of 'successes' is long, but nowhere can I find the sort of scenario you claim - could you point me to a link please?


    And btw, roads were not built for vehicles - they were built for people and horses in the first place!

  2. (And for All1..lol)


    A while ago I posted...

    No... but just you think about it...


    Who/What has priority on the streets?


    And who have been denied their rights on those same streets?

    You replied...

    Traffic should be on the streets,pedestrians should be on the pavements


    I'm just interested in what you think about the following?




    "We have to rediscover the public space function"...!

  3. Unfortunately a family death (albeit expected) at christmas means things were a bit muted..


    Still, at least we got there in time..


    Was hoping to stay for New Year (which is absolutely crazy there), but had to take the only reasonably priced seats available...

  4. Cheers, and I hope you all have a good one too..


    We're there over christmas, and maybe longer...


    (Just trying to configure and test 'logMeIn' before we go, so that I can access UK sites that are not available abroad ( Kids can see Dr Who special etc on iplayer !) via home pc...!)

  5. Picking up the kids (and the wife...lol) in a hour or so, and then we're off later on an extended break..


    I may be able to look in on our wonderful ongoing debates, but that depends on the weather where we're heading - personally I hope we get snowed in...!


    So early Christmas greetings, and just in case, Happy New Year!

  6. Always on the look out for a new Tax wheeze, this just about sums up how the con works...




    British taxpayers could pay an extra £600 per year in green taxes to help poor countries cope with the floods and droughts caused by climate change, Lord Stern has suggested.


    The economist said the UK would have to contribute around £1.5 billion from 2020 to a new ‘green fund’, that is expected to be set up during global talks on climate change in Cancun this week.


    The Treasury is unlikely to set up new mechanisms to raise such a small amount of cash.


    Therefore it is better to raise ten times as much and use just ten per cent for the green fund. The rest can be used as the Government sees fit.



  7. I've got a good 15" of snow on my garage roof and the road is only just passable by 4x4's and to make matters worse the wife and 4 kids are at home as all schools, colleges and the local university are closed for the day.


    There you go - a rehearsal for christmas...all the family stuck in one place for the day when they'd rather be somewhere else!.....lol

  8. Excellent...


    I have been worried about the ability of the younger generation to challenge injustice, but this repeated protest gives me heart!


    Meanwhile in Ireland...




    So ordinary people hit, and yet a big part of the solution is ignored...why is that?


    The government also said it would maintain the country's low level of corporation tax at 12.5%. Many commentators in the run up to the plan said raising this rate could be an easy way for the state to increase revenues.
  9. It could just as easily have been Britain being attacked then, but it wouldn't have made the right statement! If the UK had been as all powerful as the States it could well have been! 100 years ago it could very easily have been given that you occupied the Middle East!!


    There's a war going on, not of our making in my opinion.

    And therein lies the perfect contradiction!


    The US were targetted, as you say, because of their occupation of the middle east by physical/financial means, and also politically via their biased support for the 51st state - Israel


    And the UK became a target due to their support of the US after the twin towers attack and retribution by the US!


    Therefore we (as in the west) are to a certain extent guilty of starting this 'war' because of that occupation...




    Can you tell me how many Islamic terror attacks there were in the UK before sept 11?


    And how many islamic terrorist threats were there in Australia before that date, and when did the Bali bombing happen?


    Australia became a target too because of it's support for the misnamed 'war on terror'...





    Incidentally, this is correct imo - and I rarely agree with the police..lol


    English Defence League demos 'feed Islamic extremism'


    I've seen episodes of racial tension over the last few decades, and hatred always breeds hatred...


    It's a never ending cycle, and the daft letter in the first post just reinforces that fact!

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