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Everything posted by beebo
My most sincere apologies to Rother and Sir Zorro, of course. My out-of-control ravings have left them apoplectic in the extreme and I do despair on account of it.
Knowing full-well that the frontal lobes of my brain are sensitive in the extreme, my unthinking Wife bought me an electric toothbrush so as to off-set wrist-sprain, carpeltunnel, or some other such nonsense that one can develop over time through manual brushing. She spared no expense and bought me the "ultramax" one. I have a foggy memory of teaching our neighbour's dog to climb the cedar tree between our houses that night. There may have been other issues with other neighbours who have hopefully been placated with free beer that she and my Son had set out in the alley. I humbly apologise for my outrageous postings here of late and will never even once use a noggin-jarring dental scrubbing product again.
I.. errmmm..
Packing all that's been dear and meaningful to me into a plush and downy sack, I hang it from my shoulder with a care that's been borne from my love and respect of its occupants. They are "Jamer's" ones. The craggy mount that must be climbed causes me to cringe as it nearly blackens out the Sun.. and my resolve that dearly needs it. Having climbed to its top, shins bleeding from unforgiving shards and lurking boulders; gulping air and tightening the dressing on my compound-fractured ankle, I notice that I am standing on a knob. A knob can only ever hold the feet that are on it. Suddenly, my shins and ankle; my aching lungs; my numbed and burning muscles .. are heard! Suddenly, my aching arm speaks to me as though echoing the searing pain from my failing fingers' grips. Suddenly.... well.... This is my "drama" approach. I've got more.
I thunk that you were just ascared of me and that you had tiny nards on account-of you never respondid to my devastatin' attaks on you. Wellcum back, my Bruther.
Please accept my appopologies, Derren. I pray that you might accept them on account of you're a Moderator. If I had known your status, my pm to you (no memory at all of it) might very well have been much kinder probably. . . . . . Derren, schmerren, the big fat perren. beebo.
I am bored now and will look elsewhere. .... so.. fu(king bored...
Rats! Missed mentioning you in "Loggerheads". Sorry. Welcome back.
IT'S F^CKING BLOOOOOOO!! I've received word from Newfoundland that he's still in one piece, and had probably been seeking shelter on it's rocky shores all this time on account of hurricanes and other such stoopid Atlantic inclementries that he's not used to on account of he'd been living here on the mighty (although kinder/gentler/warmer) Pacific before I'd sent him off to Ogre's house. Being the brave and accommodating fellow I know him to be, awash in his embarrassment, he's given the reins to the Newfoundland post office which will fly him the rest of his way in safety. Aside from being a wee bit scuffed up, I know in my heart that he's excited to be welcomed into his new home.. at Ogre's house.. who's address I am happy to forward to the Newfoundland post-office once I get it sent to me.
Laughing my fu^king head off, A1. Thanks. errrrrmmm.. perhaps I was lmao. Yes, it was lmao.
Our poor Ogre is a fatalist and will not for one minute, believe that a blue etch-a-sketch can indeed fly and that it's just taken so very long to get to him on account of our entire continent's width and the many dangers and inclement years that the Atlantic Ocean has offered it on it's long way to his house. It will stay it's course. It is irreverent to distance and also hardships.
"Goody" wasn't all that good, as I recall.
I cannot but often wonder how my good Pal, Sparks might respond to these sorts of issues. It's a sad Pad that I've thrown myself back into without some ground that I might have to plough through.
Just reading what you've posted here, A1.... and not having ever read or heard anything from any sorts of public media on your subject here on account of I live in Western Canada and because we do not give a flying fart about them on any given day at all anyhow, I will stick my head out and lay my neck into the block's hollow with the following, my Friend: The whole bunch of them are STOOPID.
I am hoping just now that Divvy has cheered for me, so as not to be plunked into the same leaking boat that derren's in.
I know that thepanhandler has been well represented in the "Loggerheads" forum, but I'm not certain if derren's been properly seen to. . . Nope, he's not been. You're not on my radar, derren, but you are on a list of sorts anyhow. You will be seen to, my Jamers Brother. Seen to and aimed at as well.
I was just trying to liven..never mind.
I'll just fix this hole where the rain gets in, then.
This was one of our ways to invite people into the Pad back in the olden days.
An older one, but a good one, Farquard. I can't imagine because mostly.. I don't want to. Most men don't. We prefer to just take care of and fix stuff. We will never know the pain involved with childbirth (yay) and nor will we ever know over and over again, the pain and humiliation of having our testicles squashed as you've described. Boobs.. I meant to say boobs. Squashed boobs only. "it's one of them wimmin's burdins what god has gave to them on ackount of theyr wimmins and he dosnt like them. Look in any holly book that's been writ and yool see that theyr wors than cows and gotes like god sees them."
Perhaps the folks like you and I can cause some sort of spark or other so as to snag some the great many "looky-loos" who frequent this place so very often. Let's bait some hooks, Bud.