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Sir Zorro

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Sir Zorro last won the day on July 1 2021

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About Sir Zorro

  • Birthday 14/06/1953

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  1. đŸ˜ŗđŸ˜ŗđŸ˜ŗ I hope Santa brings the music you want. Hope you and yours have a great Xmas. Wishing all Padsters a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
  2. Is there anything in particular that you're hoping Santa will bring you?
  3. Merry Christmas Padsters & A Happy New Year For 2024
  4. I think I watched 1 or 2 episodes. Couldn't get into it.
  5. I use CopyTrans Manager free and simple not like that iTunes $h1te. I use the portable version. Download from https://www.copytrans.net/download/ Scroll down to CopyTrans Manager. You will need drivers from here. https://www.copytrans.net/support/install-iphone-ipod-touch-and-ipad-drivers-without-installing-itunes/ Enjoy 😉
  6. I miss his banter ☚ī¸ His birthday was 13th June the day before mine.
  7. Time to remember Alloneword who sadly passed away this day 2020. No one took the p1$$ as well as you did. RIP All1
  8. RIP Dave. A sad loss indeed. As Gazza said I too never had the pleasure of meeting him, but regarded Dave as a friend. Sincere condolences to Dave's wife and family.
  9. There was a woman at the back of me let her dog shit on the grass near my house. I told her if my kids (long time ago) came in the house with dog shit on their shoes, i would collect a load of it and shove it through her letterbox. Never did it again 👍 I have 2 dogs and always pick up after them. Irresponsible dog owners make my blood boil đŸ¤Ŧ
  10. Happy 2022 to everyone. Let's hope it turns out better than 2021 🤞
  11. First 2 were AZ then booster was Pfizer
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