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Everything posted by thePanhandler

  1. I can only hope that he is at peace now. He is already missed by all of us here! R.I.P.
  2. Have a great day. I'll have an extra pint or five on your behalf!
  3. Covid 19. The name is enough to strike fear into even the strongest of us. When a person is gravely ill and being admitted into hospital surrounded by doctors wearing PPE they are asked questions. Different questions due to the threatening nature of this virus. Do you have a next of kin? Are you religious? What about resuscitation? What about life support? Do you want to be kept alive on a ventilator...for how long. These are the types of questions that are being asked during this Pandemic. They are valid, but disturbing for most, if not all of us. We have been informed that with Ovid 19 the need for a ventilator means you are close to death and most do not come off of the ventilator. Only the very strongest. The answers to these questions show a glimpse of the character of the person. You have probably answered these questions in your own head as you read them. That part is easy. But would you say the same if you were being admitted to hospital? This is when true character is revealed ....this is when only once in a very long while a truly wonderful person can be recognized. I know of a person that was asked these very questions. They said, according to the admitting doctor, to pull them off of the ventilator, thereby ceasing life support if the ventilator was needed by someone that had a better chance of living. What a answer. When push comes to shove I want this person on my side. It has been my privilege to have had her at my side for over 42 years. Wife, Mother, Grandmother or friend. Call her what you will. I call her Candy. Love Always, Norm
  4. Yes, many thanks from this side of the pond!
  5. Good to hear from you......
  6. It would be funny to see a bright green theif riding down the road. It wouldn't be so funny having a bright gree driveway!
  7. different idea you would also need to glue insulation to pipe so it is secure
  8. Perhaps a liquid plastic as plastic is a poorer conductor of heat than I assume metal. If your rail is wood it is already as good as it gets so wear gloves.
  9. thePanhandler


    Since joining Jamers I have lost both parents, a brother-in-law, a nephew, and a couple of days ago my little sister. I am certain that I am not alone in my losses nor will I cease to incur more. I do propose a moments pause in our life to reflect upon those no longer with us. Norm
  10. Oh. Thank God to hear that. It's such a relief! Wow! With all the weird thoughts I haven't been able sit comfortably for two days now. Take care of yourself. If you don't have to swallow the large pills how exactly do you ahhhh.....ahhh....never mind.
  11. Take care of yourself. If you don't have to swallow the large pills how exactly do you ahhhh.....ahhh....never mind.
  12. I've been using avast....seems good
  13. So sorry to hear that. I can only hope for a full recovery. All the best. Norm Fingers crossed!
  14. Doubled the dose of the wrong meds???
  15. It's great to see that you have returned to action! Hope you have a new doc that actually went to a human medical school!
  16. You are beyond my abilities already. Good Luck
  17. Yes, belated it may be but still a sincere HAPPY NEW YEARS to one and all!!!
  18. I guess it's a bit late but Merry Christmas everyone! And a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Norm in Canada!
  19. Sounds like you are working hard. Do you need help?
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