From the other side of the pond, I must say that I was surprised by the vote. I think it went the way it needed to for Great Britain to retain its' independence. With Angela Merkel trying to set a quota of how many immigrants you have to take in is a crock of crap. In the US right now our government is wanting to give our country away to whomever wants it. I am afraid that if Clinton gets in, we will never survive. Like you, we need to control our borders but our government is so full of bleeding heart liberals they seem to think that we can absorb the whole world. Our infrastructure is overtaxed and falling apart, our debt is eating us alive and no one of the younger generation seems to realize that yes, the sky is indeed falling or they think the government is going to take care of them. I am 67 years old and definitely am glad that I am not going to have to deal with what is going to happen to our country much longer. You have been given a chance to show the world that you control your country and your future. Make the most of it.