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Trick or treat...


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It's approaching that time when kids are encouraged to 'demand goods with menaces'...


Ours aren't allowed to partake in this cr*ppy imported 'tradition'...


And despite our polite notice, the doorbell still gets rung...





However I was puzzled as to why our 8 year old asked me to get some sprouts today....


After asking why, I was told that her and her younger sister have been saving their sunday sweet wrappers, and want to put the sprouts in them to 'reward' those that won't read that notice !



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Can't understand myself why our halloween suddenly turned into the American trick or treat we always have loads of sweets handy to give out to the little ones but i hate it when they come knocking saying trick or treat





Besides if it wasn't for halloween our lass wouldn't leave the house :He-he: :He-he:

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Well i used to do it as a kid (well 15 but who's counting) and when people asked what was the trick we had nothing planned just said "you'll have to wait and see" but we done bugger all to them just moved onto next house for goodies, but things have changed now and if you don't cough up your more then likely to get a firework shoved through your door, that or dog sh1t/brick through your window, just the kids today seem more intent on giving you a serious hard time rather then just a bit of fun, check your local rag the week after I guess you may see some horror stories.




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I realise this 'now tradition' stems from American culture and so us older ones have some degree of resitance to it, but what harm does it do.


The kids seem to really enjoy it. The dressing up, the treats and the atmosphere of hidden menace. Any kid will love that scenario.


They come in droves to our house and all get money and a treat even though I will say every year 'stupid American traditions'


Anyway, I seem to remember when I was a kid, there was a thing called mischievous night (the night before bonfire night)

and we played tricks and pranks on people without them even getting a chance to placate us with treats.


And they included the dogshit in the keyhole/letterbox, dustbins tipped over, fireworks outside their door etc.

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  On 27/10/2010 at 14:13, densh1 said:
My grandkids love it the wife loves its once a year,There are some miserable bxxstards that turn there lights off and hide behind the curtains aint there sparks.
Well the point i'd make in this is not all kids are good fun when they visit, some are but on the flip side to that some are also complete and utter little sh1ts who if you don't cough up can and do make people lives hell, why will nobody see that or is it a case of my kids/grandkids would never be that bad :Hmm:




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  On 27/10/2010 at 15:54, densh1 said:

Welll Alloneword my grandkids are 6 and 3 and have there gran and mother with them so no trouble with them.But we never get any trouble here from Halloween kids.Touch wood.

Well at that age i'd expect no problems, from my experience it's when they get older, the week after we normally get a few stories in local rag about scumbags putting fireworks through letter boxes etc, smashing car windows or stones through living room windows, i think that's what would put some folks of the idea, sure would me but were lucky we don't much knocking in our block.



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  On 27/10/2010 at 14:13, densh1 said:

My grandkids love it the wife loves its once a year,There are some miserable bxxstards that turn there lights off and hide behind the curtains aint there sparks.

I'm sure there are...however, they are usually the old/infirm who don't want to get harrassed! Or is it not allowed for them to try and avoid something that may scare them ?


As for me, I just point out our notice and ask them if they can read... especially if they have an adult in tow!


Some might think it all goes off so sweetly, like those good ole clips from the good ole USA, but in many cases it doesn't.


Is there anything that you don't like on principle?

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I love Halloween, I don't know why we are trying to copy the states, kids have always come round with a 'joke' or song and left with fruit & sweets. Its activities like this that build communities. The Celts in the UK have been dressing up to fool spirits since the days of Samhain when America didnt even exist.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My 2 love it and we enjoy getting them ready for a walk around trick or treating, I used to do it as a kid back in the 80's and we used to make a fortune. Now we only knock on friends or neighbours doors and I think the rule should be if there is a pumpkin in the window then its fair game.


As was mentioned it brings people together and its nice to see the kids enjoy themselves. In 10 years at my house we have never had an issue but I suppose they know where the 6"2 mad one lives...

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