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Need to learn how to use twitter


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Does anyone know of a decent site that will help me learn how to use twitter on both the PC and on my droid.


I'll be honest i don't get twitter one bit but it seems alot of early news goes out on twitter so best get with the program.


Can normal people ID me from a twitter post, does it have to be in your own name etc



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Like all these social media things, there is good and bad.

I've been on twitter for years - and you hit the nail on the head with the 'early news' part.


If something is in the news on TV but 'for legal reasons' they can't name the person or what exactly happened

You can be absolutely sure that loads of people will have named the person and what happened within minutes of it occurring.


There's a 'feed' or 'trending' column always on so if you miss the news - it's there. Often before the media have got the story.


There is no gagging or censoring of anybody - people can say what they like.


The Jeremy Clarkson indecent, where he was fired for hitting the producer. He was on telling his side - knowing he was in the sh1t.

His side was never published in the news.


You chose who to 'follow' and you see their tweets (sounds corny or even creepy) but there are some very entertaining tweeters out there.


Take for instance the other week - the hotel fire in Dubai. It came on 'trending' before it broke on the news. People who were there were taking videos of it.

The news got wind of it and actually showed twitter videos.


You can of course go incognito. Open a new gmail account and call yourself what you like.


You can tweet famous people and if they 'like' or object' to what you have said they will answer you (for all to see that follow that person)

I've been answered and re-tweeted by quite a few famous people.


Be warned though, if you say something horrible to someone - all the followers are likely to tweet you calling you a w***** and c*** etc

which in itself can be very amusing.


What I'm getting at is: you only see and read what you want to see. You don't see everybody's tweets - just those you want to follow.


There are a lot of tossers who try to follow you..........but it's one click to block them.


I read twitter every morning while having my first cuppa..........like reading the newspaper but only the good bits.

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Thanks for the reply Rother, still playing with it on pc right now, not put it on the phone yet, stil unsure what this # (hastag) stuff is all about, lets say Tony Bliar died i think everyone would use the hashtag "tonyisdead" or something like that, but what does it all mean, or is it just a simple way to title a "tweet" bit like thread topic in this case "Need to learn how to use twitter"


Also what's the deal with all these ~ with frogprices post he misght as well post to eveyone






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I love twitter, most definately a lurker though. Check it pretty much every hour. Rarely contribute other than re-tweeting for others who are following me to check out an article I find interesting. 


.. I prefer 3rd party apps rather than the official twitter website. I'm using Falcon Pro on my phone. Purley because I find it easier to organise stuff [see below]


The same applies to desktop - I use tweetdeck (Which ironically has been bought out by twitter themselves now due to popularity). 


One thing I would say about 3rd party apps is that twitter restrict API use, so invaraibley not quite as much functionality as the official apps. 


In terms of tips: 


You'll, sooner or later, get to the stage where you're following a substantial amount of people/organisations. You'll find different types of tweets (news/sport/humour) all scattered in your 'news feed'.  I'd strongly suggest checking out lists feature. Essentially enables you to create groups. From there you can navigate to lists (or if using tweetdeck / 3rd party app) create a quick shortcut to your list(s). 


edit: You, similar to lists, can also save searches, or hashtags. I for example have saved my local town name as a search, so I can quickly see what everyone is saying about the place. Generally use this for local news / to see why there's a fire engine on xxx street etc. 


Hashtags are essentially just a way of joining in a conversation, for example - If I personally have something to say about Norwich City FC, I'd put the hastag #ncfc somewhere in my tweet. Anyone who wants to see anyone's opinions on Norwich will search for the hashtag #ncfc and they can quickly view everyone that's contributed to the conversation. 


You can also mute keywords / hashtags which is useful if you for example are following someone but are not really interested in their hobby. For example, I follow a chap at work who's really into American football. He realises that it's not everyone's bag, so adds #NFL to his tweets. I simply mute that hashtag and bingo, anything with #nfl in is filtered out of my timeline. 


edit: this is also particularly useful for example if you are into a sport, but don't want any spoilers. Temporarily muting the hashtag #f1 is a good idea if you don't want to see the early race (5am) results and you're intent on watching the re-run on BBC at a more reasonable hour!


It's a bit daunting at first as you're inevitably looking for decent people to follow. You'll probably start off following celebrities before realising that they generally post pretentious b/s. 


Stick with it! You'll find it all a bit pointless at first, but once you get used to it it's actually pretty good. 



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Also what's the deal with all these ~ with frogprices post he misght as well post to eveyone





He *is* posting to everyone. But only people that follow him, or have implicitly searched for something can see the tweet. 


If you start a tweet with anything other than '@' it's effectively the same as running into a room and shouting something. Only people within relative proximity (following him) can 'hear him'. That frog guy has added hashtags to make it easier for people to search for something relevant to him - like you've done by searching the #Rotherhide hashtag. 


If you start a tweet with '@' you're directing your message towards somebody. This is essentially the same as running into the room and talking to someone.. however, it's not private as anyone nearby to your conversation (i.e also following both you and the person you're talking to) can over-hear you. 


The only way to ensure a private conversation is to use direct message.


Hope this helps?

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Well explained.


It takes a bit of getting used to.................and a lot of 'ah bollks to this'

but it can be good - even great when you are familiar with it.


You often see famous people falling out online

It can be hilarious. Not that i'm a famous people follower... most are complete tw@ts

But sometimes they go into meltdown.


You will see it in 'trending' even if you don't follow anyone involved and then read the whole story.


No one can delete the tweets (there are no mod's) apart from the original tweeter

and even if they do many have retweeted them so the story stay alive.

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How are you getting on Allone? 

Not to good.

I haven't installed it on my phone yet which is what i want to do in the long run for breaking news and weather issues, i have been viewing online every day and amazed at how much sh1t is spoken, people will talk about anything on there, only "following" (gettin down with the kids now)about half a dozen bodies near me, i mean i see something about 3 hour flight delay and saying "Promoted" so i presume that is twitter adverts.

Now if i follow someone called "local freds shop" and i follow him because he is local and i'm intrested in local stuff, if he is following someone in manchester and he "Re tweets" that guys tweet, am i right in thinking it WILL show up on my feed?



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Not to good.

I haven't installed it on my phone yet which is what i want to do in the long run for breaking news and weather issues, i have been viewing online every day and amazed at how much sh1t is spoken, people will talk about anything on there, only "following" (gettin down with the kids now)about half a dozen bodies near me, i mean i see something about 3 hour flight delay and saying "Promoted" so i presume that is twitter adverts.

Now if i follow someone called "local freds shop" and i follow him because he is local and i'm intrested in local stuff, if he is following someone in manchester and he "Re tweets" that guys tweet, am i right in thinking it WILL show up on my feed?



Yes because you have chosen to follow him you will see all of his activity. 

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